About PennDOT
PennDOT relies on the experience and technical expertise provided by the members of its 13 public advisory committees, boards and commissions. Consisting of more than 200 volunteer members from a variety of professional backgrounds, PennDOT’s advisory bodies are valued community partners and provide essential guidance on critical topics involving all aspects of our transportation system - from bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to automated vehicle technology. Explore the dropdown menu below to learn more about PennDOT’s advisory bodies.
The purpose of the Pennsylvania Aviation Advisory Committee, (AAC) is to provide guidance to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Secretary of Transportation and the State Transportation Commission on aviation matters.
Learn more about the Aviation Advisory Commission.
The HAV Advisory Committee was created through Act 117, which was signed into law on October 24, 2018. The HAV Advisory Committee has the power to advise and consult the Secretary of Transportation on each aspect of highly automated vehicles and platooning in this Commonwealth and may undertake any of the following activities:
- Developing technical guidance.
- Evaluating best practices.
- Reviewingexisting laws, regulations, and policies.
- Engaging in continued research and evaluation of connected and automated systems technology necessary to ensure safe testing, deployment and continued innovation in the Commonwealth.
Learn more about the Highly Automated Vehicle Advisory Committee.
The board shall advise the department and review regulations proposed by the department concerning inspection requirements and operation of official inspection stations.
The board shall also have the opportunity to review and provide comment on policies, rules, and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, which have an impact or a potential impact on vehicle safety inspections. The board may provide comments on any existing departmental policy or regulation, as well as any regulatory proposal which would affect vehicle safety inspections. In order to achieve this purpose, the board encourages comment and input from non-voting members and the general public.
Learn more about the Inspection Advisory Board.
The PennDOT LTAP Advisory Committee is comprised of a group of approximately 15municipal government (elected and/or appointed) officials who serve a critical role as program advocates and assist PennDOT by attending training courses, reviewing course materials and content, and functioning in an advisory role on a variety of LTAP issues.
Learn more about the Local Technical Assistance Program Advisory Board.
The Medical Advisory Boardadvises the department and reviews regulations proposed by the department concerning physical and mental criteria including vision standards relating to the licensing of drivers. The boardalso hasthe opportunity to review and provide comment on policies, rules, and regulations thathave an impact or a potential impact on driver safety concerns
Learn more about the Medical Advisory Board.
The purpose of the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee is to assess, evaluate, and recommend standards for the safe operation of motor carriers in the Commonwealth.
Learn more about the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee.
The PennDOT Office of Planning hosts a quarterly Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting with representatives from statewide municipal associations.
The meeting follows an open forum format where the participants share their current initiatives, transportation concerns, and/or request discussion of transportation-related topics of interest to municipalities. PennDOT officials also use this time to present topics that may have an impact on municipalities and to receive feedback from the meeting participants.
Learn more about the Municipal Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is to advise and comment on all phases of cycling and pedestrian program activities being undertaken or financially assisted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and agencies of state government.
Learn more about the Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
The Pennsylvania Public-Private Partnership program is overseen by a board of individuals representing the transportation industry. The board meets twice a year to review solicited and unsolicited projects, and receive progress reports. All meetings are open to the public.
Learn more about the Public-Private Partnership Board.
The purpose of the Rail Freight Advisory Committee shall be to advise and comment on the comprehensive rail freight study, to advise and comment on all phases of the rail freight transportation program activities being undertaken or financially assisted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and to propose methods, strategies, or technologies for improving rail freight transportation service systems or facilities within the commonwealth.
Learn more about the Rail Freight Advisory Committee.
PA State Law, Act 120 of 1970, established the Pennsylvania State Transportation Commission (STC) to serve as PennDOT's board of directors.
Its purpose and mission is to evaluate the state and performance of Pennsylvania's transportation system and assess the resources required to maintain, improve, and expand transportation facilities.
The Pennsylvania State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) facilitates the rapid implementation of proven, well-researched and documented state, regional, national and international technologies, tactics, techniques and any other innovations that are new to Pennsylvania. The STIC also supports and promotes the implementation of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)Every Day Counts (EDC) innovations.
Learn more about the State Transportation Innovation Council.
PA State Law, Act 120 of 1970, established the Pennsylvania Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to advise the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the PennDOT Secretary of Transportation.
Interested in Serving on an Advisory Committee?
If you are interested in serving on an advisory committee, you cansubmit your resume and letter of interest hereon a rolling basis for consideration.
All information will be kept on file and referred to when vacancies occur.