Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (2024)

Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (1)jeanie said...

I just showed this to my 8 year old and she is salivating - unfortunately I will have to bookmark for NEXT week, as I used up the last of the cornflour last night!

12/8/08 3:30 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (2)Anonymous said...

I'm salivating, let alone my children!
Can't wait to get home from work and make these for the family tonight!

12/8/08 3:45 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (3)Anonymous said...

What a treat!! My eyes popped out of my head when I saw your recipe thread and these look devine!! Can't wait to make them this weekend. thanks once again.

12/8/08 5:55 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (4)Anonymous said...

i love these biscuits! My m.i.l makes them for me when i visit :o)
will definitely add this to my baking on the weekend.

12/8/08 8:14 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (5)Jess Joseph said...

Ooo I'm excited about trying these! I've always loved melting moments!

13/8/08 12:40 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (6)Anonymous said...

I'm definately not making these because I will end up eating them all. This is what happened with the jam drop biscuits..I ate them all in one day. I'm too fat for these biscuits!!

13/8/08 8:56 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (7)Anonymous said...

Can you use custard powder instead of cornflour and would all quantities stay the same?

16/8/08 2:24 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (8)Anonymous said...

I am making these now and they are not looking too good. The mixture was far too sticky to roll into balls so I added a little bit extra flour and a little bit extra sugar. It still didn't make 40. The first batch have just come out the oven, they are looking just ok.

Anybody had any success with this recipe? Any pointers on where I may have gone wrong?

20/8/08 9:15 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (9)Anonymous said...

I spoke too soon, I just tested one and they are pretty good!

20/8/08 9:35 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (10)Anonymous said...

hey.. i didn't get a dough as well, i got a batter instead, and had to add in a couple of extra tbsp of flour.

20/8/08 10:00 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (11)jeanie said...

These are funny responses - I made them tonight and my dough was way way dry - almost too dry to stick together!!

20/8/08 10:47 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (12)ah Teo said...

i wanna try these soon! all the recipes here looks so good. lemme see if i can make it the same way...

21/8/08 1:21 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (13)Anonymous said...

I think I have died and gone to food heaven. This site is amazing. Thank you.

21/8/08 1:46 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (14)Anonymous said...

I've just made a batch and it made 15. I added more lemon juice for more flavour. They've turned out great! Love the recipe. So simple and easy to make, yet so delicious!

Also love the mini quiches.. they are devine!! Everyone I've made them for says they are the best quiches they've tasted! I made them every week for 5 weeks...! Thanks for all the recipes, can't wait to try out more!

24/8/08 1:36 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (15)Amanda and Debbie said...

To the person who asked about replacing the cornflour with custard powder: We think this substitution would work well. You would not need to change any of the quantities (just replace the 38g of cornflour with 38g of custard powder).

26/8/08 11:31 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (16)Anonymous said...

Like Jeanie, my dough was very dry!
It wouldn't stick together, so I added a little bit of water.
Where did I go wrong?

6/9/08 1:54 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (17)Amanda and Debbie said...

To those who found that the dough was wetter/softer or drier/firmer than expected: Did you make any changes to the recipe? If not, did the finished biscuits turn out okay?

13/9/08 5:23 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (18)jeanie said...

I have NO IDEA why mine was so dry, but the final biscuits were wonderful!

15/9/08 6:09 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (19)Anonymous said...

I just made this and it turned out perfect. Exactly like the real ones. LOVE IT!

23/9/08 1:47 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (20)Anonymous said...

Can these be frozen, and for how long will they keep? Also would you freeze them filled or fill before serving?

20/10/08 2:01 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (21)Amanda and Debbie said...

The melting moments are suitable to freeze filled or unfilled. They can be stored in the freezer for at least a month.

23/10/08 2:53 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (22)Anonymous said...

I've just made the melting moments and they are delicious. Not sure what is causing a bit of a strange slightly starchy after taste though. I think I may have put too much corn flour to thicken the batter. How should i go about making as nice fork designs as shown? is there a secret? my cookies stuck to the fork and I had to peel them off each time. Also, the designs i made were uneven.

9/11/08 10:49 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (23)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Anonymous

Did you use the amount of cornflour specified in the recipe? Did the cookies seem slightly undercooked?

The dough may have stuck to the fork because it was too soft. You could try refrigerating the dough for about 30 minutes before rolling it into balls.

10/11/08 7:43 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (24)Anonymous said...

point one, dont overmix the butter and sugar, the butter should be soft but not melting ...butter will "break" under too much stress, such as beating too fast (causing frictional heat), this recipe is a "slow beater" recipe...just beat butter and sugar until you dont feel any grainy bits in it ....then fold through dry ingrediants ubtil combined ...( all one colour).....

overmixing will cause gluten chains to stretch and when you bake them they go hard .....

hope this helps ...happy cooking ..MA.

11/11/08 8:49 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (25)ah Teo said...

my cookies turned out slightly undercooked. i had to bake them at 190degs for 30-35mins. i dun understand why they are soft when they come out of the oven.

11/12/08 2:25 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (26)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Ah Teo

Did you make your biscuits larger than ours (fewer than 20 filled biscuits from one batch of ingredients)?

The biscuits should be fairly soft when fresh from the oven. They firm up as they cool.

12/12/08 1:57 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (27)ah Teo said...

hi Amanda and Debbie, i actually made more than 20 filled biscuits and had to keep increasing the heat and the time for them but nevertheless, it has worked out for me some how. i m making 2 batches of them tmr for a friend so wish me luck! ;op

21/12/08 4:35 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (28)Anonymous said...

I have just made these emm emmmm they are sensational and turned out perfectly the only trouble is my grandson just came in and now I have to make some more he and his mates ran off with them.

4/1/09 11:48 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (29)Anonymous said...

Do you have a recipe for a vanilla butter instead of the lemon?

6/2/09 1:16 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (30)Amanda and Debbie said...

You could replace the lemon juice in the filling with 3 1/4 teaspoons milk and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or to taste).

6/2/09 4:05 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (31)Anonymous said...

I've made these biscuits twice - amazing both times! They don't last very long because they are absolutely DELICIOUS! They impress people too because they look sooooo good!

11/3/09 4:36 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (32)Anonymous said...

Yum! Followed the recipe to the dot and they came out perfect! Great step by step instructions.
I've been wanting to make melting moments for ages and glad I went with this recipe.

24/3/09 5:20 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (33)Anonymous said...

A couple of pointers from my experience - You get a drier mix if you use pure icing sugar, try using icing mixture instead. Butter is harder to mix than margarine too. Using marg and icing mix makes a very soft biscuit and works out cheaper ;) I also use vanilla flavoured custard powder instead of cornflour and vanilla essence and always have as per the recipe from my great grandmother.

Rather than lemon filling I make an icing using about a tablespoon of butter and then add pure icing sugar and water until I have what I think is enough for the biscuits. The pure icing sugar and water make it thick enough to hold the biscuits and it sets hard, but the butter means it's not so hard that you can't eat them because the icing falls apart like the biscuit (if that makes sense LOL)

3/5/09 1:54 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (34)Holly said...

My mixture went really, really dry.
It looked just like yours after adding the sugar, then after adding the cornstarch, but when I added the flour it just ended up as basically lumpy flower, no matter how much I mixed it.
I'm sure I used all the right ammounts, and had to add some water and extra butter to get them to form biscuits.
On top of that, they only made ten biscuits. I don't know what I did wrong.

4/5/09 3:34 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (35)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Holly

The number of biscuits is determined by the size you make them. Your biscuits must have been larger than ours.

Possible reasons for the dough having a dry appearance include
1) Insufficient butter
2) Too much icing sugar, cornflour or flour
3) Cold ingredients (Did you allow the butter to soften? Were the other ingredients at room temperature?)
4) Insufficient beating of the butter and icing sugar mixture

7/5/09 12:53 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (36)Jennifer said...

YUM, YUM, YUM. These are the best. Recipe worked perfectly- as usual all receipes on this site are great.

My mix made 36 biscuits- a couple of bigger ones in there for fun!

Will definatley make these for afternoon tea in the future.

17/5/09 3:15 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (37)Holly said...

I measured them as you said, I think, but I probably did make them too large.

I think the problem was that I didn't let all the ingredients go to room temperature, in particular the butter.

4/7/09 1:16 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (38)Cameron said...

Just made these for the first time, and I very pleased with the result. Great recipe.
One question, I reckon I made them a tad too big because I only got 15 cookies out of the batch, is it possible to simply double the recipe to get more melting moments?

18/8/09 6:51 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (39)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Cameron

Yes, this recipe can be doubled. You could multiply the ingredient quantities by any number you like (e.g. 1.5), although measuring the ingredients might be difficult if you don't have digital kitchen scales.

20/8/09 7:19 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (40)Anonymous said...

I followed this recipe exactly and they turned out wonderful! I am totally addicted to Melting Moments .. can you please supply a recipe for icing which has a coffee flavour please ... thank you !!

16/9/09 4:23 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (41)make it perfect said...

I just made these and they are delicious. Added pulp of a couple of passion fruits to the icing.

Those of you having trouble with the mixture being too dry/sticky...I think it would have something to do with your room temperature...

15/12/09 8:53 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (42)Nano Nano said...

I followed the recipe to the gram and they turned out absolutely perfect! I am now addicted to them and have to try to resist eating them all.

Initially, I thought the balls were too small too when I made them, but they expand. And because they are so buttery the size they end up as is actually quite ample and filling (and very tasty!).

Perfect recipe and thoroughly enjoyed making them! Thanks girls!

16/3/10 12:18 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (43)Anonymous said...

I too followed your recipe step by step and they came out PERFECT. They are the exact same melting moments as the ones I purchase from my favourite cafe! I will be making them from now on. Thank you so much for such a wonderful recipe.

27/3/10 2:31 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (44)Anonymous said...

Made these on the weekend and OH MY GOD they are amazing!!! Best MM recipe ever - rated by the other half, who is the toughest MM critic.

Recipe is PERFECT, and quite simple. Love it!

11/5/10 11:17 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (45)Anonymous said...

I have tried so many exclusively food recipes and none ever failed to please.
i was dying for some melting moments today and glad to see EF has one, tried it, and came out perfect. I followed the recipe to the tee.


22/8/10 3:46 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (46)Vas said...

These worked out perfectly - best bikkies I've ever made. Not sure why some reviewers found the mixture either too thick or runny. Definitely don't be afraid to try this one!

12/5/11 1:51 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (47)Sally said...

I made these yesterday and they turned out perfectly!

I wanted to make the more traditional ones first (will make the lemon version next!) so I did the substitutes of custard powder and milk and vanilla for the icing (as mentioned in previous comments). I also made them 'baby' size - 43 biscuits in total - and cooked for only 15 minutes. They looked exceptionally cute and tasted beautiful.

I have always loved these at cafes so I am pleased to have finally found such a great recipe - thank you!

29/5/11 2:54 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (48)Lauren said...

Just made these, can't believe how good they turned out!! I took the butter out of the fridge about 3 hours before I needed it and found the dough to be the prefect consistency. Everything on this site is just so easy to follow, I haven't made a bad meal yet. Thanks Amanda and Debbie!

7/1/12 11:57 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (49)Anonymous said...


I would like to ask you for this recipe, can I use the mini 'molded pan' (of different shapes) to make the biscuits?

If do, would I need to refrigerate the mixture before putting it into the different shaped molded pan? Or can I put the mixture immediately into it?

Thanking you in advance for your reply and for your delicious recipes over here! They help a lot!

Thank you!

24/2/12 10:45 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (50)Anonymous said...

these were the best melting moments i have ever made!!! they turned out perfect no problems at all my friends at school even liked them

18/3/12 8:26 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (51)Abby said...

Absolutely delicious!!!! Turned out exactly like the photos, these wont last long :-D Thanks for the great recipe.

5/4/12 7:41 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (52)Monique said...

Just made these, absolutely delicious. Only change I made was using custard powder instead of corn flour because I didn't have any corn flour.

I also made a custard powder icing for in between the biscuits.

The biscuits turned out perfectly, cooked them at 150 degrees for 25 minutes and they are beautiful and kept their shape nicely.

2/6/12 3:24 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (53)Anonymous said...

Is it ok to use margarine instead of butter? Any particular type?

30/6/12 6:10 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (54)Anonymous said...

was just wondering how long would these keep for in the fridge and the freezer? thanks :) love your site!

16/7/12 6:25 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (55)Anonymous said...

Amazing! They turn out perfectly every time, although to get 40 biscuits, I have to make them fairly small - which I really like anyway :) Thank you!

14/9/12 12:14 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (56)VG said...


5/1/13 9:30 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (57)Unknown said...

Undoubtedly the best website for any recipe. The only problem is the the moments tend to last a little to long lol... Just divine....gorgeous....

8/4/13 6:39 pm
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (58)JoeSixPack said...

Recipe was near perfect. Only thing is I need a couple extra tablespoon of Icing Sugar to thicken up the filling to the proper consistency other than that I think "perfect" would suffice!

23/4/17 5:18 am
Exclusively Food: Melting Moments Recipe (2024)


What is the shelf life of melting moments? ›

  1. Country of Origin Made in Australia from at least 80% Australian ingredients.
  2. Storage Keep Frozen<-18°C. Thaw and Store ambient <25°C and use within 84 days.
  3. Frozen Shelf Life 364 days.
  4. Refrigerated Shelf Life 84 days.
  5. Ambient Shelf Life 84 days.
  6. Inner Carton.
  7. Serves 8 serves per carton.
  8. Weight 0.55kg.

Why are my melting moments flat? ›

The Problem: Your Oven Is Too Hot

If your cookies repeatedly turn out flat, no matter the recipe, chances are your oven is too hot. Here's what's happening. The butter melts super quickly in a too-hot oven before the other ingredients have firmed up into a cookie structure.

Why did my melting moments spread? ›

Why did my melting moments spread / go flat? If your cookies are overspreading in the oven then your butter is too warm. Pop the cookie dough in the fridge to firm up for 30 minutes before baking. Also make sure to always preheat the oven before adding the cookies to make sure they cook evenly.

Does candy coating go bad? ›

Do Candy Melts expire? Though they will last a while if stored properly, Candy Melts are best used within 18 months of the date they were made. Each package contains a stamped series of numbers and letters to help mark the date they were packaged.

Do melting wafers go bad? ›

Candy Wafer Shelf Life

The ingredients in candy wafers will not “go bad” in the first year of storage; however, the workability may change. After one year, candy wafers will usually have fat bloom, requiring them to be thinned out when melting. To eliminate such problems, purchase candy wafers as you need them.

Is it better to use butter or shortening in cookies? ›

Which One Should I Use in Cookies? Basically, cookies made with butter spread more and are flatter and crisper if baked long enough. However, they are more flavorful than cookies made with shortening. Cookies made with shortening bake up taller and are more tender, but aren't as flavorful.

What's the best butter to use for baking? ›

Unsalted butter is better suited to baked goods like cookies that are sensitive to salt content and rely on butter's creamy flavor profile, helping ensure that you don't end up with an overly-salty baked good.

Where are melting moments sold? ›

Their treats are also sold at approximately 200 stores throughout Michigan, including Quality Dairy and 7-Eleven locations. And you'll still find Melting Moments treats for sale at the East Lansing Art Festival every year.

Should I bake cookies on aluminum foil? ›

As it turns out, using aluminum foil will actually lead to your cookies being baked unevenly. Here's how it works: Because aluminum is a heat conductor, the part of the cookie that is directly touching the aluminum foil (i.e. the bottom) will receive more heat and, thus, bake faster.

Can I bake cookies directly on a baking tray? ›

In a pinch, baking directly on an ungreased baking sheet will work fine; the cookies have enough fat in them to prevent severe sticking — although you might need a thin metal spatula to pop some of them off.

Can I bake cookies on wax paper? ›

The biggest difference between parchment paper and wax paper is that wax paper is not heat-resistant. This means you cannot use it for baking, or even use it in the oven at all because the wax could melt and even catch fire inside your oven.

Why did my melting moments crack? ›

A too hot oven will result in cookies cracking and browning too much. Leave biscuits to cool on the trays for 10 minutes before moving to a wire rack to cool completely. The cookies will firm on cooling.

What is in a Monte Carlo biscuit? ›

Arnott's Monte Carlo cream biscuits are two coconut and honey biscuits filled with smooth vanilla cream wrapped in a chewy jam. A perfectly sweet biscuit treat made to twist and split.

What are 3 examples of melting? ›

Examples include:
  • Melting Ice to liquid water.
  • Melting of steel (requires very high temperature)
  • Melting of mercury and Gallium (both are liquid at room temperature)
  • Melting of butter.
  • Melting of candle.
Nov 20, 2017

Can you use melting chocolate after the expiration date? ›

In most cases, chocolate past its expiration date is still safe to eat, provided it has been stored properly and shows no signs of spoilage. However, if chocolate exhibits any unusual odors, flavors, or textures, it's best to discard it to avoid any potential health risks.

How long can you keep chocolate melts? ›

Generally, when stored properly, melted chocolate can last for several weeks to a few months. However, it's recommended to use it within a month for optimal quality. Check for freshness: Before using stored melted chocolate, check its appearance, smell, and taste.

How to store unused Candy Melts? ›

Store your Fancy Decorating Melts in a cool, dry place or airtight container. Do not store it in the refrigerator or freezer. The only time you should place your decorating melts in the refrigerator is when you are waiting for the candy to set in a mold or on a finished product.

What to do with expired Candy Melts? ›

I had only a couple of unopened bags that are past 18 months. According to Wilton's website unopened bags past 18 months are still okay to eat, but may be harder to melt, and not their freshest. If you have older bags, it really will depend on what you are making and what you feel most comfortable with using.


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