What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 21, 2024

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What are micro-influencers and macro-influencers?


Pros of micro-influencers


Cons of micro-influencers


Pros of macro-influencers


Cons of macro-influencers


Here’s what else to consider

Influencer marketing is a popular strategy for brands to reach and engage their target audiences on social media platforms. But not all influencers are created equal. Depending on your goals, budget, and niche, you might want to work with micro-influencers or macro-influencers, or a mix of both. In this article, we'll compare the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand, and help you decide which one is right for you.

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  • What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (3) What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (4) 10

  • What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (6) What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (7) What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (8) 5

  • What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (10) What are the pros and cons of micro-influencers vs macro-influencers for your brand? (11) 5

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1 What are micro-influencers and macro-influencers?

Micro-influencers are social media users who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers, while macro-influencers have more than 100,000 followers. Micro-influencers tend to focus on a specific topic, such as fitness, beauty, or travel, and have a loyal and engaged fan base. Macro-influencers are often celebrities, athletes, or media personalities who have a wider and more diverse reach, but less personal connection with their followers.

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  • Leveraging micro vs. macro-influencers hinges on your brand goals. Micro-influencers excel in generating high engagement within niche audiences, making them ideal for targeted campaigns that seek authenticity and community trust. They're also more budget-friendly. Macro-influencers, with their vast reach, are best for increasing brand awareness across a wider audience but may come at a higher cost with potentially lower engagement rates. The choice should align with your campaign objectives, budget, and desired engagement level. Mixing both can diversify your strategy, balancing reach and engagement effectively.


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  • micro-influencers are like agile fielders who excel in catching the ball close to the ground (pros: niche audience, authentic engagement). On the other hand, macro-influencers are like towering batsmen who hit massive sixes (pros: wider reach, brand visibility). However, micro-influencers might struggle with reach (cons: limited audience), while macro-influencers may lack the personal touch (cons: potential for diluted authenticity).


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  • Jacob Roberts Founder of TMRWsocial | Trusted by Sony, RCA, and Alibaba for Influencer Marketing and Paid Social Ads.

    Micro-InfluencersPros:💵 Cost-effective🤝 Higher engagement rates🎯 Niche audiences🌟 Authentic connectionsCons:📉 Smaller reach⏳ More collaborations neededMacro-InfluencersPros:📈 Wide reach🚀 Rapid brand awareness⭐ High-profile endorsem*ntsCons:💸 Expensive🏙️ Lower engagement rates🌐 Less targeted audience


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  • Mehrnoosh Reshadi (PhD, MBA)

    Micro influencers are career creators (rather than hobbyists) who have a small scope and reach usually below 100K followers. (In this group, there are also Nano influencers with less than 10k or 5k followers)Macro influencers are successful online creators with 100k to about 1M followers. They are influential but haven’t yet reached level of fame that Mega influencers such as Mr Beast or PewDiePie have reached.We also have celebrities. Their origins of fame and influence goes back to their profession rather than creating content on social media. Athletes, actors, politicians (Selena Gomez, Kardashian/Jenner, etc.) while they may have massive followership like mega influencers and now share content online, their influence is different.


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  • Jason Jung 정세진 UK Sports Lead, GBS @ TikTok | Forbes 30 Under 30 | LinkedIn Top Voice | Sport Industry NextGen 23’ | LL.M

    ⭐️ - The influencer landscape has changed a lot, especially with platforms like TikTok taking the spotlight. - Now, it's more about the content itself rather than just how many followers someone has. While big influencers have a massive following & community, for smaller budget campaigns, it's smarter to focus on whether the content matches your brand rather than just looking at follower numbers. Quality content that aligns with your brand can make a more significant impact than a big follower count.


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2 Pros of micro-influencers

One of the main advantages of working with micro-influencers is that they have higher engagement rates than macro-influencers. This means that their followers are more likely to like, comment, share, and trust their recommendations. Micro-influencers are also more affordable and accessible than macro-influencers, as they charge lower fees and are more open to collaborations. Moreover, micro-influencers can help you reach niche and relevant audiences who are interested in your product or service.

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  • Drew Brucker 3x SaaS Marketing Leader / 4 Under 40 / Midjourney Pro / Project-based creative work using AI

    Because micro-influencers have more engaged audiences than macro-influencers, their fans are more inclined to engage because they share the same specialization.I've also found them to be more relatable, accessible, and cheaper than larger influencers.Smaller companies with limited marketing budgets can benefit from this.Regardless, influencer marketing needs planning to ensure you're collaborating with the right people and reaching your target audience.


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  • micro-influencers > major influencersthe larger followings might be more appealing but you will find that micro influencers have less followers but more engaged communities, and are more cost-effective.


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  • Isabelle Yarbrough Public Relations and Marketing | Board Member | Honors Student | Founder

    More accessibility + responsiveness = greater trust. Often more cost-effective, willing to work with smaller brands they care about, and open to feedback. Yes, they may not be as polished, but often that can be more relatable. Be sure to provide a positive framework, from hashtags to verbiage ideas for FTC regulations, branding colors to a clear deadline for a rough idea/approval/final share. Last, there are some phenomenal micro-influencers out there! Down-to-earth, friendly & driven to succeed, the pros of these niche creators are many.

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  • Mehrnoosh Reshadi (PhD, MBA)

    Micro influencers tend to have tighter relationships with their audience. Their followers trust them more and believe they are more authentic and personable.Their engagement rates are higher than Macro influencers. Most of them are happy to work with diverse brands at smaller cost than macro influencers but brands shouldn’t lowball them or try to take advantage. Micro influencers usually have active micro-influencer groups, and to support each other, they will share their experience with brands more openly. Also, that tighter relationship with followers means they’d be easily influenced against your brand.They are good partners for market penetration and sales.

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  • Micro-influencers are reshaping the influencer landscape. With smaller, carefully cultivated audiences, they boast genuine engagement and trust. Their followers aren't just numbers; they're a community that resonates with the influencer's authentic voice. This intimacy often translates to higher buy-in for brands. It's not about massive reach; it's about meaningful connections. Truly, the brilliance lies in their authentic, tight-knit influence.

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3 Cons of micro-influencers

The downside of working with micro-influencers is that they have lower reach and visibility than macro-influencers. This means that you might need to partner with multiple micro-influencers to achieve the same level of exposure as one macro-influencer. Additionally, micro-influencers may have less influence and credibility than macro-influencers, as they are not as well-known or recognized by the general public. Furthermore, micro-influencers may have less experience and professionalism than macro-influencers, as they may not follow the best practices or guidelines for content creation and disclosure.

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  • sometimes, their audiences are just too small to make a differenceyou have to go for micro-influencers that have built an engaged community with a higher % engagement rate than other micro influencers.Micro influencers will usually cost less as well because there's no management fees involved on many cases.


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  • Drew Brucker 3x SaaS Marketing Leader / 4 Under 40 / Midjourney Pro / Project-based creative work using AI

    If you just work with one micro-influencer, fewer individuals will hear your message, even if their followers are more interested.Other potential downsides to think about:→ will this be a big effort to manage?→ is the quality of content up to your brand's standards? → do they have less credibility with a larger audience?→ will ROI or ROO be more difficult to track/measure?

  • Mehrnoosh Reshadi (PhD, MBA)

    Their reach is limited so if brands seek exposure and awareness, these may not be the best partners.They are not very legally savvy so brands should provide adequate information to them regarding FTC disclosures and make the contracts as simple as possible.They have greater psychological ownership on their content and their audience like their creative freedom so if brands want a lot of control over the content or wish to gain the rights to the content to use elsewhere, the partnership might not work out. Too much exposure is not beneficial for micro influencers as they lose their value and intimate relationships. So, brands should be willing to pay much more to spread their image everywhere and gain the rights.

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  • It all depends on your brand goals. Sales, Community Buy-In, Celebrity Endorsem*nt, just like most things in life. The lens in which you view a micro-influencers changes on the purpose.

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  • Cons of micro-influencers1️⃣ Micro-influencers offer lower reach and visibility compared to macro-influencers, potentially requiring collaboration with several to match one macro-influencer's exposure.2️⃣ They may possess less influence and credibility due to their lesser-known status, impacting audience trust and brand perception.3️⃣ Micro-influencers might lack the experience and professionalism of macro-influencers, potentially leading to content quality and compliance issues.

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4 Pros of macro-influencers

The main benefit of working with macro-influencers is that they have higher reach and visibility than micro-influencers. This means that they can help you increase your brand awareness and attract new customers from different segments and markets. Macro-influencers are also more influential and credible than micro-influencers, as they have established reputations and authority in their fields. Moreover, macro-influencers can help you boost your brand image and prestige, as they can associate your brand with their fame and status.

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  • macro influencers are appealing because of the visibility they can give you, and if chosen right they can be very lucrative partnerships


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  • Pros of macro-influencers1️⃣ Macro-influencers offer broader reach and visibility, enhancing brand awareness and attracting diverse customer segments.2️⃣ With established credibility and authority, they lend authenticity to brand partnerships, fostering trust among their large followings.3️⃣ Associating with macro-influencers elevates brand image and prestige, benefiting from their fame and status in the industry.

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  • Pravin Koravi CEO @ ConvergentFunnels | Facebook Advertising

    Broad Reach: Macro-influencers can reach a vast audience, providing widespread exposure and brand awareness.Influence and Credibility: Their established reputation and broad appeal can lend credibility to your brand and influence a wide range of potential customers.Professional Content: Macro-influencers often have higher production quality and more polished content, enhancing the overall presentation of your brand.

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5 Cons of macro-influencers

The drawback of working with macro-influencers is that they have lower engagement rates than micro-influencers. This means that their followers are less likely to interact, relate, or convert based on their endorsem*nts. Macro-influencers are also more expensive and competitive than micro-influencers, as they charge higher fees and are more selective about the brands they work with. Furthermore, macro-influencers may have less relevance and authenticity than micro-influencers, as they may not share the same values, interests, or preferences as your target audience.

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  • Mehrnoosh Reshadi (PhD, MBA)

    Cons of Macro influencers -Diluted audience with low engagement and fake bots/followers-Perceived as less authentic and sell-outs so they are less influential-Expensive partners who charge a lot-not great for conversation (but good for exposure or brand reach/awareness)-pressure for making viral content sometimes makes them less useful (diluted content, out of niche content, and followers with low engagement)-they might have partnerships with competitors of a brand which makes problems for the brand-recommendations are perceived as commercially motivated rather than genuine interest so they have to show product use and incorporate in their life to overcome that


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  • cons: - they charge higher fees - engagement % tends to be lower- sometimes they have fake audiences - always vet your influencers!


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  • 1️⃣ They typically yield lower engagement rates compared to micro-influencers, resulting in less interaction and conversion from their followers.2️⃣ Macro-influencers demand higher fees and are selective with brand partnerships, making them more costly and competitive.3️⃣ Their lack of alignment with your target audience's values and interests can diminish authenticity and relevance, potentially impacting the effectiveness of your brand collaborations.

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  • Pravin Koravi CEO @ ConvergentFunnels | Facebook Advertising

    Higher Costs: Collaborating with macro-influencers typically requires a significant financial investment, which might not be feasible for all brands.Lower Engagement Rates: Due to their large following, macro-influencers often have lower engagement rates as the personal connection with followers diminishes.Brand Fit Challenges: Macro-influencers cater to a broader audience, which can sometimes lead to a mismatch with your brand’s specific target market or values.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Not sure if a micro influencer or macro influencer is best for your campaign? Run a test. While macro influencers often demand larger budgets, be open and transparent that you're running a test and see if they will offer a discounted rate or if they will consider an affiliate partnership to start.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.